As The “Green Season” Draws to a Close


As a landscape photographer, I enjoy capturing the visual “fruits” of every season.  And as much as I love winter weather, I look forward to the annual “greening” that spring provides.  While winter landscapes can be beautiful, they can be extremely difficult (and sometimes downright dangerous) to capture.  For this reason, summer is one of the best seasons to capture visually appealing landscape photography.

See an interesting scene that you’d like to shoot, but don’t have time that day? – Come back in a week, or wait a month until the lighting conditions are just right, no problem! Unlike in Autumn, where if you come back 2 days later the leaves may be gone, there is a greater degree of flexibility.  While fall is without a doubt my favorite season, one miscalculation could make the difference between getting a perfectly lit vibrant shot and something that just looks brown and downright “Meh.”  As I had posted on my facebook page, the difference in foliage can affect an image greatly: capture

With the impending “brownout”, I plan to make the most of the next 2 months and look forward to shooting the vibrantly colored hillsides to come.  One thing for sure though, I certainly won’t miss dripping sweat all over my camera equipment!


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